authentic niçoise salad recipe

Authentic Niçoise Salad Recipe

Looking for a real, authentic Niçoise salad recipe, just as it’s done in Nice? Look no further. As a French resident and French speaker, I’ve done a lot of research on to what exactly makes a truly authentic Niçoise salad. It’s actually simple and there’s a few no-no’s and some absolute fundamental ingredients.

This composed salad is absolutely summer on a plate and if you get some really good, locally grown fresh produce, it’s incredible. Sounds good? Read on to discover on how to make a Niçoise salad just as they do in the South of France!

authentic niçoise salad recipe photo

What Makes a True Niçoise salad?

There are countless recipes online for Niçoise salads and they vary a lot. The majority are not considered ‘authentic’ compared to what historically is the ‘real’ version.

Firstly, the main issue is that an authentic Niçoise salad is a seasonal salad and shouldn’t be made all year round. You don’t want to be eating this in winter when tomatoes are very much not in season.

According to 2* Chef Dominique Le Stanc of Le Merenda in Nice, a true Niçoise salad should have artichoke and broad beans. However for me, I think these ingredients are probably the most tedious to prepare so I personally leave them out.

Tomatoes, radish, hard boiled eggs, olives, spring onion, anchovies and basil are a must and are the fundamental ingredients to the salad. But what about other ingredients that you might think about when you think of a Niçoise salad…

Green Beans and Potatoes?

Despite many recipes calling for green beans to be added, an authentic Niçoise salad doesn’t have any. Purists say the same for potatoes as well – they’re just not part of the authentic salad.

That said, it’s your salad so put what you want in it! This recipe is only a guide to what a true, authentic Niçoise salad.

Canned or Fresh Tuna?

Whilst you might be tempted to use sear a loin of fresh tuna, an authentic Niçoise salad uses canned or, for best results, jarred tuna fillets.

Tinned tuna tends to be drier and of much less quality than jarred tuna fillets. I prefer to use Ortiz jarred tuna fillets.

authentic niçoise salad recipe tuna

If you want to go the extra mile you can even confit fresh tuna at home to use for your salads. Check out this great recipe here.

What You’ll Need

To make a Niçoise salad, you’ll need:

authentic niçoise salad recipe ingredients
  • Tomatoes: You’ll need fresh, really ripe and good quality tomatoes for this salad (otherwise, don’t bother!). Try to get them from a farmers market – locally grown are the best! The varieties don’t matter too much but try and avoid cherry tomatoes.

  • Cucumber: Fresh cucumber is used for texture and freshness. You can substitute with celery if needed.

  • Spring Onion: Spring onions, or scallions, are a must for the onion flavour. Do not substitute with white or red onion.

  • Anchoives: Use tinned anchovy fillets. Preferably anchovies that are in olive oil.

  • Radish: Fresh radish adds a lovely peppery note, you can omit if you can’t find it.

  • Eggs: Hard boiled eggs are a must for a real Niçoise salad. Soft boiled eggs are a no no!

  • Olives: Niçoise olives are, of course, preferable but black Kalamata olives also work.

  • Basil: Fresh basil is a must! Do not sub with any other herb.

  • Tuna: As above, try and use jarred tuna fillets in olive oil for best results. If not, use the highest quality tinned tuna that you can find.

  • Optional: For a really authentic Niçoise salad, add cooked and cooled broad beans and slices of fresh artichoke heart.


Makes enough for 2 mains or 4 starter portions.

  • 2 ripe, good quality tomatoes, chopped into chunks
  • 1/4 cucumber, chopped into medium chunks
  • 1 spring onion/scallion, sliced thinly on a bias
  • 6 radishes, cut into chunks
  • 4 fillets of anchovies from a tin, or more as required
  • 2 eggs
  • Tuna fillets, from a jar or tin, as required
  • Hand full of fresh basil leaves
  • Hand full of Niçoise black olives
  • *Extra Virgin Olive Oil, as required
  • Salt & pepper, as required

*Note: Try and use the best quality EVOO that you can get! Since this is the only dressing, using high quality oil really makes a difference.

How to Make a Niçoise salad

  1. Bring a pot of water to boil and place the eggs into the water. Cook for 8 minutes.

  2. When cooked, remove the eggs and place them into ice water.

  3. Once fully cool, peel the eggs and chop lengthways, 3 times.

  4. Place the the tomatoes, cucumber, radish and scallions into serving bowls and season with salt*, pepper and plenty of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

  5. Add the olives, basil and anchovies on top. Finally place the tuna fillets on top and eat immediately!

*Note: Season with salt just before you serve. Salt removes liquid from the tomatoes over time and will make your salad soggy!

French salad from nice

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