creamy garlic mushroom gnocchi

Creamy Garlic Mushroom Gnocchi

This incredible creamy garlic mushroom gnocchi is a super simple, quick to make vegetarian dinner. Packed full of flavour and only needing a handful of store cupboard ingredients, it comes together in only 15 minutes. So read on if you want to make an awesome Gnocchi dish with a creamy sauce and garlic mushrooms.

Quick & Delicious Creamy Gnocchi

Gnocchi (pronounced NOH-KEY) is a fantastic alternative to pasta and cooks in no time at all. Although a bit tricky to make at home, store-bought gnocchi is actually really good and only marginally better than a well done, homemade version.

By chopping basic white or brown (Cremini/Chestnut) in quarters and then sautéing them with plenty of butter and garlic, you build an incredibly flavourful base for the sauce.

Cream is then added creating a sauce and the starchy cooking water helps to control the thickness and emulsify the butter and parmesan. Frozen peas are a great way of adding some healthy vegetables in and they don’t need precooking.

By using a garlic press and only chopping the mushrooms in big chunks, it reduces the amount of prep time significantly. This recipe takes close to no time and most cooks can get this on a plate within 10 minutes of putting water on to boil.

creamy gnocchi

Why This Recipe Works

This recipe is flexible, easy to make and has the huge benefit of only needing fresh store-bought Gnocchi and mushrooms. The rest of the ingredients are staples that you’ll have in your fridge. You can also adjust the recipe (see below) depending on what leftovers you have your fridge/freezer! This recipe also works really well because:

  • Store bought Gnocchi cooks in minutes and is, in my opinion, just as good as home made stuff – especially if you’re a newbie.

  • Cream makes a delicious sauce especially when seasoned with parmesan and lots of garlic from the mushrooms. You can also use UHT (pasteurised) cream instead of fresh cream.

  • It’s flexible as you can swap out whatever frozen or fresh vegetables you like. I use frozen peas but you can of course use frozen spinach.

  • It takes 15 minutes to make max. By quartering the mushrooms and not slicing them and by using a garlic press you cut down massively on the prep time.

What You’ll Need

To make creamy garlic mushroom gnocchi, you’ll need:

creamy gnocchi ingredients
  • Gnocchi: I use fresh store bought gnocchi as it saves you a lot of time compared to making it yourself! You can also buy fresh frozen gnocchi.

  • Mushrooms: Any kind of mushrooms will work for this recipe. Cremini/Chestnut mushrooms are perfect although you can use plain white button mushrooms if you want.

  • Parmesan: Parmesan helps to season the sauce and add a beautiful umami flavour. You can omit or use Grand Padano.

  • Garlic: Fresh pressed garlic is a must for this recipe! You can mince with a knife if you haven’t got a press. Avoid dried garlic for this recipe as it really doesn’t have the same flavour.

  • Dijon Mustard: Dijon mustard is optional but adds a great tang and helps to thicken up the sauce. You can use wholegrain mustard as well but it will add a slightly grainy texture.

  • Herbs: I add finely chopped chives but you can use parsley as well.


Makes enough for 2 people.

  • 400g Gnocchi
  • 200g Cremini/Chestnut/Brown mushrooms, quartered
  • 3 cloves garlic, crushes or finely minced
  • 200ml Heavy/Double cream
  • 50g Parmesan, grated
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  • Chives, finely chopped

How to Make Creamy Mushroom Gnocchi

  1. Start by adding water to a pot and heat on high until simmering.

  2. Rinse your mushrooms under cold water to remove any excess dirt, pat dry and remove the end of the stalk. Quarter1 the mushrooms and reserve.

  3. Heat a knob of butter or oil in a frying pan on a medium-high heat. Add your mushrooms and fry undisturbed for 1-2 minutes or until they’re browned.

  4. Sauté your mushrooms until they’re tender – about 3-4 more minutes. Add your crushed garlic and a touch more butter and cook until fragrant.

  5. Add all the cream, peas and Dijon mustard. Turn down the heat to allow the cream to simmer and reduce.

  6. Meanwhile add the Gnocchi to the pot of water and cook for 1-2 minutes or until they float. Once they float, they’re cooked!

  7. Add the Gnocchi to the sauce and add the Parmesan. Check for seasoning and add salt & pepper to taste.

  8. If the sauce is too thick add some of the Gnocchi cooking water to loosen it up. Finish with chives and serve immediately.


  1. The mushrooms will reduce in size when cooked to become roughly the same size as the Gnocchis.

What Else Can You Use Instead?

This recipe is really versatile and ingredients can be swapped out to change the flavour profile. You can change whatever you like but I’d recommend trying:

  • Adding fresh or frozen spinach instead of peas
  • Start by frying bacon lardons to add a smokey flavour
  • Changing the mushrooms – you can use any mushroom that you’d like! Try chanterelles, trompette de la mort or enoki
  • Add leftover rotisserie chicken
  • Vary the vegetable part by adding small cubes of roasted squash
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